Thursday, October 13, 2011

Live A Life Extended

Good morning, reader. How was breakfast? Did you have a big bowl of cereal or some eggs and toast? Were you running a bit late and decide to make a quick run for the drive-thru? Oh. You didn't eat breakfast? Well, then what's for lunch? Drive-thru again, eh? Sounds delicious. Save me some, will ya?

My sarcasm isn't meant to be very harsh, but honestly, did you start your day right? Are you going to end your day right? Do you feel like you're healthy? How often do you find yourself out of breath from seemingly casual physical exertion? Are you just planning on doing something about it eventually? Aren't we all?

I'm not trying to say that we need to start exercising and lifting weights to get that bronze, flat stomach starting tomorrow. We just need to recognize that we are fragile, living creatures. Our bodies, our organs, our flesh, all of that. It's the shell that contains the you part of you. And I know that we understand that. I know that we are well aware of the things that you should be doing everyday to maintain your stamina, strength, and well-being. We definitely know what we should and shouldn't be ingesting. So, where's our will-power?

Personally, for many years now I've been very, very health-conscious. Now I don't necessarily abide by these principles all of the time, but I'm still very conscious of my mind, body, and diet. I make nearly daily efforts to maintain an overall healthy physical condition. It's not like I'm running marathons or hitting the gym every day. The truly important thing isn't the doing portion of our day, but to keep ourselves focused on the not doing. It's easy, right? Don't eat fast food. Don't smoke cigarettes. Don't pass out on the couch with an empty bag of potato chips in your lap. It sounds simple, but doesn't everything? We're going to be unhealthy sometimes. Nobody's perfect. We all know that.

I think of it like this. We've got this short time to be here and make the best of it. Love it. Embrace it. Enjoy yourself, but do it in as least a self-destructive manner as you can manage. I couldn't tell you how many times I've heard the pathetic, old saying of "we're all going to die eventually anyway". If you ask me, it's just very sad for somebody to have that sort of lazy, depressing mentality toward your one and only chance to exist here and now.

It's not entirely our fault, is it? We're surrounded by things that are terrible for us. And as one of my favorite poets has put it, "we love the things that hate us". Convenience is a burden that we embrace all too hastily this century. Between the fried food, shakeweights, sleeping pills, and energy drinks it's no real wonder that we're all so sickly and generally unhealthy. It's nearly impossible to slam the door on these options too. The speed of society makes the debilitating substances far more user-friendly and time-saving. It's just too difficult and inconvenienct to avoid most of the time.

So, just say "no", reader. Say "no" for yourself. Say "no" for the ones that love and care about you. Obviously you won't be able to at every occasion, but take those little steps away from it all. Remember, nobody's perfect and nobody can live forever either. But, since we all understand that we're going to inevitably die someday, let's extend our lives as far as we can possibly stretch them. There's still plenty of time and lots to see and do with it. So, do it.

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