Thursday, December 26, 2013

These Hopes and Her Promise

I am a student.
I am a college student in hopes of achieving the necessary skills and knowledge to earn a lifelong career. Tonight, I am oblivious to the specifics of this eventual career, yet, know that if I have things my way, my five year plan puts me anywhere but here, doing anything but this.

I have been kind.
It has never been a struggle for me to say and/or do the right things in my life. Since the moment I was able to conceive and organize my own philosophies, the world became a place I could appreciate and continually strive to explore and understand. As a simultaneous result, the people I have shared and continue to share this life with have proven to be predominantly good in nature.

I am loved.
I have inextinguishable support from these good people. They will infinitely inspire, encourage, and energize me as they have each day before this one. In return, I shall offer feasible, mutual beneficence.

I floated for a few years.
My late start has produced perpetual ramifications in both, my day-to-day life and mentality. While my peers have remained generally sympathetic to this, I inevitably isolate myself in several aspects of my existence. There are pieces of me that they've never known.

I have revoked my calling.
Like many, my battle of self has suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the life I "should" have. Three years ago, my world was shrunken down to the confines of the classroom (where it remains).

I am a pupil of the road.
Above and before all, no experiences of mine have pushed the lifeblood through my veins more fiercely than seeing the infinitesimal number of skylines I've managed thus far. The human experience is not as short a tale as our small worlds may have us believe. I found this without looking for it.

I found myself on a highway.
I discovered myself at 6,000 feet. I inferred The Gods in the desert sands. I fathomed death on the forest trails. I comprehended love on a rocky shoreline. I became a man when I pushed through the exit.

It's tremendously arduous.
I struggle often with my decision to pursue this seemingly trivial existence. I am frequently reminded of the one I chose to step away from. Occasionally, life provides me with a small taste of her that will briefly deteriorate my vigor. Each time, I must fight her savagely and swallow my truest desires and passions. I am doing this now.

I will have her.
One day soon, I will hold her again. She will teach me everything I need to know. She will allow me to share this life with others. She will let me fall in love. She will help me create life. She will grant me the opportunity to become a mentor. And she will see that I depart from all of this satisfied and smiling.

With these hopes and her promise, I will holdfast to this path.

And, Travel...
I will always love you.
I will always yearn for you.

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